Another beta update today. We're really trying to nail down the issues with the new resizable wheels. You can read about all the new stuff in the beta here in the original post. And here's the notes for the last set of bug fixes (v1.4.0.2).
Here's what's fixed in this version (v1.4.0.3):
- Several tweaks for wheel physics
- Added traction settings for resizable wheels in Part Properties panel
- Trees are now collidable on all quality levels (long story)
- New turbo fan jet now allows blades to be painted
- Fixed Krakabloa terrain in a few spots
- Fixed an issue where shocks and pistons could cause things to go kaboom
- Increased damper settings for shocks
- Fixed issue where part panel can't be scrolled when hovering over buttons
- Fixed an issue with part rotations getting messed up when creating a sub-assembly
- Changed minimum spring strength to 50% for wheels
- Allow 0.25 min length setting for fuselage pieces
- Fixed an issue with scrolling in the Play menu
- Fixed car engine audio when in reverse
- Added slip settings for wheels in the XML for advanced XML modders
Added support for disabling part to aircraft collisions via XML-modding
<Part disableAircraftCollisions="true" >
@AndrewGarrison What parts/Features will make it to mobile?
So now you've made hinges, pistons, smaller rotators... so now I think connectors are next?
All it says is "Update Queued" and is not updating. Is this a problem?
@AndrewGarrison That works. Just was asking, because so far, the only one I saw it with was the resizable wheels. I'll recheck once I get back from camp tonight(?). May it require me to drag out a new part?
@NovaTopaz The disable aircraft property should work on any part. Unfortunately, the rotators are only able to rotate around one axis.
@AndrewGarrison simple vehicles is a good new name
@AndrewGarrison Any answer on my question?
I want to sign up for mobile beta. Can you put me jn@AndrewGarrison
... I really wish I could provide more constructive feedback, but don't really have any.
I do have a question, though. What parts get the disable aircraft collision? So far, I've only seen the resizable wheels getting it by looking at the XML. And can the rotators get a second rotation function with XML, or do you have to use two rotators linked together? Asking these because if either is the case with rotators, I may be able to fix the YF-23 completely(as the whole root of the problem with it exploding was it colliding with the aircraft blocks, sticking, and then trying to move beyond that, causing the blocks to break apart and causing explosions). If the rotators can accept two rotation functions, I could simply use a small rotator and not have to deal with using 2. If they can have disabled part collision, it also fixes that problem. Also probably for a few other blocks if used to make aircraft landing gear(fuselage blocks, shocks(haven't seen them with a disable function), etc).
@AndrewGarrison Thanks for the fast reply!!
@rabarbermoes23 There's a bug in the current beta with new wheels. Here, try this wheel. Just yank it off my design and save it as a subassembly and use it until we can get the next beta out.
I made a car with some shocks in it, but when I start it it won't move and the tires just start squealing. What can I do to prefent this from happening?
I know its super late, but I have just been messing with new wheels on the Humvee etc. One possilbe option is to have an option to turn off all susspension on the new wheels completely. Sorry feedback is late and just a thought...
@AndrewGarrison Found a bug. Deleting a sub-assembly disables the nudge buttons
@AndrewGarrison Maybe "ComplexCreations"
@AndrewGarrison I think the solution to prevent bouncy tires is to increase the dampers, but the game limits it to 250%. Can you increase the limit to 1000% or 500%?
Will the trees be collidable on mobile too ? @AndrewGarrison
@NumNumz Technically, wheels are what gives the reason shock absorbers are needed in the first place. Wheels are filled with air. If it was a flat, a wheel wouldn't bounce as high due to the rubber used in tires and no air to push on the rubber.
@AndrewGarrison Ok.
@JovianPat sorry about that, we need to fix that. Should bring it down to 100% or less.
I was checking the Little Bugger, and the shocks has a damper of 1000%. What?
@AndrewGarrison Well now the wheels are less bouncy. Thank you Devs!
@NumNumz This is exactly why we do beta testing. Please give me a link to a plane that behaves well in SimplePlanes v1.3, but is too bouncy in v1.4. It helps us tremendously to have these test cases.
@SimpleTechAndResearch I guess with our next game we'll have to pick a name that is less constraining....SimplePrettyMuchEverything?
This is an exceptional set of changes