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To the people i follow

37.7k Decrepit  8.8 years ago

you should know who you are. i'm announcing that, with my less active self, i will be unfollowing certain users and being more strict about what i upvote. Im sorry i have to do this but its just too much. i dont get to see the amazing planes as much because so many more are created to take their place. Sorry - Nick

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    37.7k Decrepit

    @BroPlanes i like your potential man, looking through your planes is almost like looking through mine when i was bronze. I really appreciate your concern andi think ill hang around for a little while

    8.8 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    @bjac0 I can see why your speculations that. Most of the reason is the fan to dev ratio. Microsoft has a giant hallway lined with online support 24/7 and so they can sorta mantain a poor but still better than most ratio. The devs of simpleplanes are very few and growing very slowly whilst the website has had a growth spurt and is in its way to the top. The bigger the fan base the less of an indie game company Jundroo seems to be. I think they should hire a work from home person to be a 24/7 support manager and another dev that manages the site with more tools than the mods have.

    8.8 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    @SimpleTechAndResearch I think you've got enough bad ideas to hold you off from pointing out mine, thank you.

    8.8 years ago
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    I think announcing this is a bad idea

    8.8 years ago
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    57.3k bjac0

    @TehDuck i'm comparing a possible downfall, minecraft used to be filled with users with a pation, simple planes was filled with users with pations, youtubers flooded minecraft, youtubers are flooding simple planes, minecraft's current users are mostley middle aged men trying to be "hip and, too cool for school". Now, imagine if somehow simple planes gets so many users that the community starts to over flow allowing potentially danger users, thats already happening.

    8.8 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    I don't think SP can be compared with minecraft but this is why I despise the gaming community on YouTube @bjac0

    8.8 years ago
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    57.3k bjac0

    @Nickasaurus its tricky finding good planes nowadays, the new planes are just too lacking in skilled users, or users that have potential, due to youtubers joining the community, its damaging the community and the dev's wallets, by over flowing them with money, but really though, i miss the old days of simple planes, when there was no such thing as a veteran user, when users like scriefers and hypnotoad uploaded planes, now the website is flooding people that don't have the same passion and care for the simple planes website as the older users have, its like alot of game companies nowadays, you don't see much game companies interacting with users, and the issue with some games is that they have a delicate community, imagine a small town only made to have 900 residents and each one has a house, and the town's max population is 1,200, now imagine a reporter saying how great the town is, then crap tons of people start going there and eventually the town can't hold any more people but people are still trying to get in, the town would suffer from having to use more resources for more residents, it causes damage to the community, my point is that the devs need to realise that its not 100% good that big youtubers are joining the community, it causes damage and hatred across the community and even causes the reputation to drop a bit, look at minecraft, from 2009 to 2014 minecraft was the must own game, but big youtubers started to join it and now look at it, minecraft has pedofiles that have used minecraft to get into little kid's privacies, half of minecraft's youtubers are middle aged men going through a mid-life crisis(some think that making "pleasuring" noises in a group chat of kids is funny, one actually made a video and uploaded it, rip hoo-manitee), some are kids that just hit puberty and want to, uh, do, "stuff", but either way, the devs of simple planes right now are the fun type(the type that like to interact with their fans and listen to their fans), mojang was the same in its early days, simple planes is growing rapidley and the devs are having a harder time communicating with their fans, mojang blew up and were having a hard time communicating with their fans, notice the similarites? So i wouldn't be surprised if after a few months from now, we don't see andrew garrison or the rest of the devs... Jeez, i also realised i wrote somthing wayyy to long, you've probley skipped to the bottom, moral of the story: Jundroo is gonna end up with a similar faith as mojang.

    8.8 years ago
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    3,782 Manboy

    Just asking, i kmow you dont because a HUGE character like you wouldnt follow a little guy like me :)

    8.8 years ago
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    3,782 Manboy

    Do u follow me :)

    8.8 years ago
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    9,153 GriffithAir

    do you follow me?

    8.8 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @BaconEggs lol

    8.8 years ago
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    139k BaconEggs

    @Flightsonic BOW DOWN TO YOUR LEADER!

    8.8 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @Nickasaurus @BaconEggs You must follow the banaduck!

    8.8 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    @BaconEggs no ill still follow you :)

    8.8 years ago
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    139k BaconEggs

    Would that include me?

    8.8 years ago