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Suggestions for a future update...

590 Henry121252  8.7 years ago

While I was building the CV-7 Airliner, I found that if you go fast with very large wings, they start to wibble-wobble. A solution to this is to make wings connect to more than one block. Another suggestion is to make fuselages able to be even bigger. I'm thinking of making a DV-7 Airliner in the future. It will be bigger, better, and possibly faster than the CV-7. That's it. :)

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    8,281 12ocketguy

    @Henry121252 your welcome

    8.7 years ago
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    8.7 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    Yeah most if not all of my planes for the past 2 months have the main wing or every wing set as a structural Wing with XML enabled Control Surfaces.

    8.7 years ago
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    8,281 12ocketguy

    One way to stop the wobble is put structural wing at the part of the wing that connects with the fuselage. Structural wing are stronger than normal wings and that way stop the wobble.

    8.7 years ago
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    Cough XML Cough editing

    8.7 years ago