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2,701 KevokevoMC  8.9 years ago

As you guys know, the 'this aircraft is huge and might not work for mobile devices' thing in the website is not very accurate as some of them do not actually lag, so i am recomending the devs to like edit the website a little so that players can like register their devices and their device specs so we know for certain weather or not the aircraft lags. This is for the good of people who's sim card or wifi is not unlimited, so they do not waste their internet on something not so suited for their device.

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    2,701 KevokevoMC

    2014 zenfone 5
    2gb ram
    1.6ghz cpu
    Faster than my 2008 pc 1.2 ghz

    8.9 years ago
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    2,701 KevokevoMC

    I mean like let people see the spec of the device where the thing originated, so that you dont need to download something useless

    8.9 years ago