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Beta Update - v1.4.0.4

Dev NathanMikeska  9.0 years ago

Another beta update was just pushed to Steam. Please let us know how things are working, especially with the new wheels. If all goes well over the weekend, then we are probably looking at an official release early next week.

Previous beta patch notes:

Patch notes for this update - v1.4.0.4

  • Added option to disable suspension on resizable wheels. This option is somewhat experimental so please let us know how it works with your designs!
  • Fixed a bug where any new resizable wheels added to your design were broken
  • Fixed a bug with the color tool where it was hard to color parts in cramped places
  • Fixed a bug with fuselage blocks where their connection points were not accurate while flying. This will only take effect on new fuselage blocks pulled out from the part list so as to not impact existing designs.
  • Slightly reduced friction of wheels on their preferred surface.
  • Fixed an issue with AI planes starting too low and immediately crashing.
  • Fixed an issue with AI planes crashing into you when you are on the ground.
  • Reduced Max wing/part count to 7/150 for planes that the AI will spawn in sandbox.
  • Added AI ground avoidance for when there is no terrain between AI and target.
  • Fixed an issue with the new jet engine's particle effects showing at the start of the level.
  • Fixed an issue where the props of destroyed AI planes don't despawn when the AI Plane despawns.
  • Fixed an issue where the load aircraft and subassembly search filters consumed keyboard commands when hidden.
  • Fixed some issues with tree collisions on Krakabloa.
  • Updated the mod tools to fix a bug with cloning parts (not cloning the 'Shares Rigid Body' setting).
  • Snowstone now uses a lower quality terrain on low/medium terrain quality settings.
  • Achievement times for some of the new races have been tweaked slightly.
  • Control surfaces can now be bound to VTOL and Trim inputs through XML only.

We are targeting very late April or early May for the mobile update

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    46.8k JMicah4

    @nathanmikeska Ok, Thanks!

    8.9 years ago
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    @JMicah4 Yes, updated mod tools can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SimplePlanes\ModTools.

    We have moved to Unity 5.3 (5.3.4p1 to be specific) so you'll probably want to use 5.3 for new mods.

    8.9 years ago
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    46.8k JMicah4

    @nathanmikeska is there an updated mod tools package?

    8.9 years ago
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    Is it able for android???

    8.9 years ago
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    The wing/part count limit for AI planes is inconveniently low. If you guys triple it, it would still be reasonable for lower end computers.

    8.9 years ago
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    @TehDuck xml modding will always exist.

    8.9 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @TehDuck Better yet just leave in .xml modding, and put out the changes to it doable ingame. Since the beta is PC only right now you can .xml mod no problem...

    9.0 years ago
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    29.2k Viper28

    Is the mobile beta still going to happen at the end on next week as said earlier?

    9.0 years ago
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    What is the approximate release date? I just want to know...

    9.0 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    Get rid of XML modding and add more in game customizability

    9.0 years ago
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    Hold on, is the mobile update going to be released on Friday, May 6?!

    9.0 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Wheels and small rotators are a must for me, I won't be able to finish any of my current WIP's without them. Also just asking. Why make all the good stuff only available via XML. It's annoying to me. All the parts need better customization options IE number input where you simply type a value into a box to change the size I find it annoying that us mobile users are at a disadvantage especially IOS users like me, because they acnnot access or edit the XML files. Also the fact that there is no circular option for fuselage blocks. It makes replicas of certain aircraft completely impossible without complex XML modding to make large circular fuselage blocks, say building the AVRO Vulcan or B36 would be near impossible at the moment, partly why I have given up on both projects. There are things this game needs and one is larger circles and the other is more editing options.
    The latter can be lived with out, as it is only a minor annoyance but the first would be a lifesaver.

    9.0 years ago
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    836 WillB88

    Thanks! @jsaret

    9.0 years ago
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    Ok, thank you @General360

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @WillB88 if you own OS X you can send the devs a screencap of your receipt and they'll give you a steam key. And yes, XML modding is possible on OS X already. I believe it's under the "Application Support" folder. You'll need to look up how to enable hidden folders first.

    9.0 years ago
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    4,239 Jbr82

    Im looking soooooo much forward for the mobile update! :) I really hope they made some kind of landbased ai for us also. I know they cant cramp all the same stuff into a mobile edition but i sure hope they choose some of the good stuff!

    9.0 years ago
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    69.5k deusalgor

    @HellFireKoder thanks, pal =)

    9.0 years ago
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    @deusalgor Andrew Garrison explained it below in the comments:

    we are just trying to keep the wing properties as simple as possible for new users. It looks very weird to cycle through Trim for control surface input and then have another trim setting right below that to enable/disable the actual trim setting.

    9.0 years ago
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    I rekcon wheels have been pretty much nailed! Well done everyone! and even at the last minute, tweaks, improvments, changes... WOW.

    Humvee Black-ops

    9.0 years ago
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    9,389 DaKraken

    The mobile update will be in Late APRIL?! Or EARLY MAY?! come on i waited for a update :C,(sorry)

    9.0 years ago
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    836 WillB88


    Will the OS X update come out at the same time as IOS, or will it come out later? Will It Be possible for me to do XML modding?

    9.0 years ago
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    69.5k deusalgor

    Turning bug fixed, thanks!

    "Control surfaces can now be bound to VTOL and Trim inputs through XML only."
    Was some reason for this? I think it is better to move into game designer as much part settings as it possible.

    9.0 years ago
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    27.4k JovianPat

    BUG? : This time, when I try to climb a hill, the wheels suddenly lose all traction. This happens with or without suspensions.

    9.0 years ago
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    27.4k JovianPat

    So many stuff... thanks for your hard work Devs!

    9.0 years ago
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    25.2k kikasshes

    Control surfaces controlled by VTOL! Finally!!! :D :D :D

    9.0 years ago
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