So I was searching for the new islands, and I see a big rock, so I go to check it out. It turns out I either A) Found the dark lord Cthulu himself, or I B) found a giant living cave with tentacles. It was a hollow island thing with a red glow to it, and at least 8 tentacles. Please tell me you've seen this. If not, be wary. It's found about halfway to the snow island, and the weather gets dark and cloudy. Be careful out there, recruits. The sea is more dangerous than you think.
@TehNewDucky LOL
@jetboy6412 Well then. I shall revisit. And bring fireworks. And throw them at it.
man i wish the monster was in android
@typeZERO minor ones. None viable to land on.
Comrade are there any isles on the way?
@typeZERO Most likely not. Just start at Bandit Final Approach and go straight. My newest recon craft can make it very quickly if you'd like to try it.
Can you create a video on where you were going?
@typeZERO PC Beta Version. There's a tutorial to how to activate it.
@TehNewDucky Comrade, What version are you using?
@typeZERO Towards snowy island, about halfway and left a bit. It's a big grey rock in the water till you get close.
Comrade, this Monster you say, may I know where it is?
just tell me the direction you were treading.
@t8erh8er @HellFireKoder I had the cave bit up there since I flew into his eye/nose and it was literally a really red cave with spikes on the top and bottom. Thanks for making me feel less crazy.
It's A :)