It has some flaws I can't quite fix and it's getting frustrating. If some one can help make it fly better I'll let you but otherwise I won't post it or if enough people say to post it I will.
It's a Yakovlev Yak-52 basic Soviet trainer jet from 1979
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting is the plane fixed yet? If not, maybe i can be of service.
Didn't fly properly I'll give you the link to the wip one soon (when I get home)@bspboy
Ok. What is wrong with it?
Yes :P @bspboy
I was t mentioned because of the first 3 mentioned rule. Sorry. Need help still?
@TehDuck @SimpleTechAndReaserch @FlightSonic @ccooper @Upqaurk @bspboy @Warbrine @HKaerodynamics @EVEngeenering