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Does Fictional Plane Can Give An Upvotes!

589 LegendaryFalcon  8.8 years ago

I seen somebody building an fictional planes and that will be cool because fictional planes is using our creativity and our mind, some of these cool planes i think can give an upvotes.

but one thing for the fictional planes "i think" just give us a little bit less upvotes than replica planes so.

What Do you Think. Fictional Or Replica?

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    Ok and i think Fictional Planes is cool ok!

    8.8 years ago
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    17.4k Geekpride

    I mostly build fictional planes because I find it easier. I have tried doing a replica, and getting it right is a lot more effort. And when you succeed in making the replica, it sometimes doesn't fly that well because real life physics is different to SimplePlanes physics.
    I think the replica planes tend to get more upvotes because people recognise how much effort has gone into them.

    8.8 years ago
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    4,047 Umbreon

    Google Translate has not been good to you. What's your native language?

    8.8 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Grammar! Also just build what you want.

    8.8 years ago