A lot of the people in the community have been asking and suggesting VR support, well I just figured out how to play this game in virtual reality.
What you will need:
a phone,
any vr headset,
Trinus vr(app)/or any other vr streamer,
Computer( at least somewhat recent),
And Trinus vr(computer program)/or any other vr streamer,
Way One(PC, also easiest):
First, Install apps and programs on their respective devices.
Second, follow instructions for streaming.
Third, open Trinus vr on phone and computer.
Finally, put phone in vr headset and open Simpleplanes on your computer.
Way Two(Android, pretty complex):
May be added later...
We have it now >:)
very helpful yes
Very good tutorial
Actually I've thought about and I probably won't be adding Android steps, sorry. That is to say PROBABLY as in there is a chance I might add it later.
To be honest, I feel the steps for Android is so complex it is not even really worth trying(I haven't even tried it yet). It requires a computer, 2 devices, 2 programs and apps to go along with them, and probably will have a lot of steps to it BUT, if enough people want me to I will add it.