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Does anyone else think that simple plans should incorporate nose art?

12.5k Flash0of0green  8.9 years ago

For those of you who don't know Nose art is our it's been painted on the nose or tale of the plane originally done around World War II. Nose art had many purposes; such as helping to identify allies, bringing up company morale, and even intimidating or distracting enemy pilots.

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    dude they should add airline paints too

    7.0 years ago
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    @arcues And Children play this game. Idk why I'm getting the notification to your reply now.

    8.6 years ago
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    Sure.... Without the ladies though.

    +1 8.9 years ago
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    Yes to what?@Thefalloutplayr

    +1 8.9 years ago
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    @Flash0of0green I know there are non nude nose arts, actually I think a great idea would be having the ability to find images on google and put them on a nose, as long as those picture arn't penises and boobs than all should be ok, everyone here is mature I hope

    8.9 years ago
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    My name isn't just fallout for a reason @Flash0of0green

    8.9 years ago
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    A few examples of A few examples of Nombre fan pornographic nose art would be. Flying pigs, bomb notches( I count of how many successful bombing runs the plan is had), Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, American airlines logo etc.@Supercraft888

    8.9 years ago
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    8.9 years ago
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    Actually no, it depends at what point in the atmosphere the radioactive fallout deteriorates. If high up in the atmosphere EMP will not reach ground levels. But if at lower levels it interior rates the electrical pulse Will affect anything that isn't grounded i.e. cars, computers, tanks that haven't been EMP proofed etc.. Have you ever heard of the phenomenon by the name of EMP storm? @Thefalloutplayr

    8.9 years ago
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    Emp's only occur at high altitude detonations@Flash0of0green

    8.9 years ago
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    29.2k Viper28

    I was referring to the title @Flash0of0green

    8.9 years ago
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    Well a lot of nose art from back then was women in compromising positions, I find this to be slightly offensive to the females who play this game, why not keep it simple like checkers or card symbols, or maybe symbols we all know like biohazard symbol, or maybe even country flags!

    8.9 years ago
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    11.4k CeeToTheZee

    yes ofcourse!!!!!!!!

    8.9 years ago
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    Now what's really weird is it's called nose art but I can go on the tail.@Viper28

    8.9 years ago
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    29.2k Viper28

    Why would u need nose art for a plan they don't have noses lol

    8.9 years ago
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    There is some nose art that isn't pornographic just FYI so this is totally viable as long as people can keep in their pants.@Geekpride

    8.9 years ago
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    I would love that. Another thong I think would be cool is if you could paint your plane wherever you want, this would help with doing camo paint jobs

    8.9 years ago
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    8,354 arcues

    This is murica dude @Brields95

    8.9 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    @Geekpride I like the image idea. Then you could also incorporate company logos/ country logos

    8.9 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    @Brields95 Well, pinup girls are definitely distracting to the enemy lol

    8.9 years ago
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    Instead of adding in a different paint scheme, couldnt the art just be very thin parts? It would obviously need to be able to form to the surface, but would it be easier?

    8.9 years ago
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    Decals and sharks teeth are a yes. pinup girls are a no.

    8.9 years ago
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    17.4k Geekpride

    It would be nice if it was possible to upload (or put in the url of) an image, select the area you want it on on the plane, and have it automatically paint itself on that area. Of course, a good reason not to do that is this is a family-friendly game, so porn-painted planes would be problematic.

    8.9 years ago
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    4,047 Umbreon

    I've seen some good nose art at an air show. Things from Santa splattered on the front, to a shark face. It'd be nice, but would be very difficult to add in.

    8.9 years ago
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    3,753 Ezri

    Having a different painting system would be nice.

    8.9 years ago
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