I have been wondering how the other players are able to put an image and a hyperlink in there comment and forum posts. Could someone tell me how they do it?
I have been wondering how the other players are able to put an image and a hyperlink in there comment and forum posts. Could someone tell me how they do it?
@HellFireKoder @SimpleTechAndResearch Thanks guys :D
@SimpleTechAndResearch the moderators and devs would appreciate if people didn't post a bunch of images embedded in the page, because it slows down the site, so everyone please just link the images by doing
[clicky text](URL)
(as SimpleTechAndResearch said)![](https://jundroo.blob.core.windows.net/simpleplanes/GameData/aircraft/205/PWW2t0-UserView-0.png)
[Words](Link URL)