@EVEngineering modders and moderators are two completely different things.
Mods can be one of the following:
1. Moderators: people that moderate the site and keep it clean
2. Modifications: changes to the game. XML-modding is not really true mods, but they are referred to as modding by many. (including me)
Modders are the people who make mods (modifications).
Welcome. Just try to have fun. Build, discover, and enjoy yourself without worries about what other people think of you or your builds. You will find later in life that compassion for others is more powerful than any human emotion or action and will define your success in this game and life in general. Good luck.
@Fn2187 be creative if you need help feel free to ask there are a lot of nice people on here like @spiritusraptor and @Dealphinus there really nice and if you got an Xbox one and you need help I could explain it better if we talk it's just easier but feel free to ask for help most people will help you
Instead of pasting a link in its entirety, you can make a clickable link by writing [link] (URL) without the space. Useful for when you want to share something.
Find something you like to do, and stick to it. It is okay to branch off, I would recommend it. And most importantly, have fun. This isnt about the points, it is about sharing your planes and having a good time.
It's also a reference to episode 4, 21-87 is Princess Leia's cell number, which is a reference to the movie 21-87, in which the last lines are, "You're 21-87, aren't you" @mattmck @Beeack
Center of mass goes in front of center of lift, small pitch and roll surfaces and close COL and COM=Agility (Short length and normal width), and only use symmetric wings.
I can help you.
1. Don't be a jerk
2. Give your planes names that are easy to remember
3. Post often, post big
4. Comment on things
5. Don't mess with people
Yes, I like it very much
@mattmck Link
@Fn2187 did you see my meme?
Thank you very much!
@mattmck @djbanana @kikasshes @TempestAviation @SigmaTwelve @WalrusAircraft @EVEngineering @RhysBrown @Redlord @bjac0 @MrSilverWolf @Sutairs @NRKevilmonkey @Umbreon @KnightOfAraluen
here you go, enjoy this meme
@EVEngineering modders and moderators are two completely different things.
Mods can be one of the following:
1. Moderators: people that moderate the site and keep it clean
2. Modifications: changes to the game. XML-modding is not really true mods, but they are referred to as modding by many. (including me)
Modders are the people who make mods (modifications).
If you need help building cars, I can defiantly help you.
Welcome. Just try to have fun. Build, discover, and enjoy yourself without worries about what other people think of you or your builds. You will find later in life that compassion for others is more powerful than any human emotion or action and will define your success in this game and life in general. Good luck.
@Griffith oh that is where i have been going wrong Lol. just kiding!!
i can help.
i can help you with some XML Modding
nudging parts into place
and anything else you need help with
Here are a bunch of neat comment/forum text tricks!
Hello! Welcome to the site! If you have any questions on general aviation planes or airliners I'm willing to help with those type of questions.
@Fn2187 be creative if you need help feel free to ask there are a lot of nice people on here like @spiritusraptor and @Dealphinus there really nice and if you got an Xbox one and you need help I could explain it better if we talk it's just easier but feel free to ask for help most people will help you
Don't ask for upvotes.
Don't be rude.
Express your creativity.
Socialize with other players.
And enjoy
Modded parts are your best friend, never ever, ever put a missile, bomb, rocket, or gun where it will hit your plane, and have fun!!
Instead of pasting a link in its entirety, you can make a clickable link by writing [link] (URL) without the space. Useful for when you want to share something.
Find something you like to do, and stick to it. It is okay to branch off, I would recommend it. And most importantly, have fun. This isnt about the points, it is about sharing your planes and having a good time.
It's also a reference to episode 4, 21-87 is Princess Leia's cell number, which is a reference to the movie 21-87, in which the last lines are, "You're 21-87, aren't you" @mattmck @Beeack
I noticed that@mattmck
@Beeack FN-2187 is finn from star wars the force awakens
What's that all about? @mattmck
Center of mass goes in front of center of lift, small pitch and roll surfaces and close COL and COM=Agility (Short length and normal width), and only use symmetric wings.
I can help you.
1. Don't be a jerk
2. Give your planes names that are easy to remember
3. Post often, post big
4. Comment on things
5. Don't mess with people