What I'm about to ask comes from the deepest part of my internet heart, can anyone make a replica of Boaty McBoatface? Please do this! We need Boaty McBoatface on this site!
What I'm about to ask comes from the deepest part of my internet heart, can anyone make a replica of Boaty McBoatface? Please do this! We need Boaty McBoatface on this site!
You can find one on my account : )
@MrSilverWolf yesssssssss
Well I might attempt to make a mini Boaty McBoatFace
Will try
Long live Britannia
@Skua same thing haha
@DeezDucks I was basically crying with laughter the whole way down the poll results
@Skua true but consider there's also RRS What Iceberg?
@jamesPLANESii I know right lol.
Challenge Not Accepted! Because my iPad will freak out and die...
@DeezDucks if we use AGDynamics' alphabet, we could recreate the whole poll! Personally I'm quite a fan of RRS Usain Boat
Boaty McBoatface is the most awesome name ever!
Lmao then someone would rename it RRS It's Bloody Cold Here