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Suggestion for new update!!!

5,870 GreenGiraffeAerospace  8.8 years ago

Ok, so I reall hope that in the next update they add the ability to offset parts by a certain angle. Like if I wanted to build an a-10 warthog and wanted to put the engines at a 9 degree angle like they are in real life. Just a suggestion. Hope the developers take it into account.

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    Yeah, I guess so @DragonAerotech

    8.8 years ago
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    @GreenGiraffe Still on beta even on this side of the fence so do not despair too greatly. There are still kinks here and there for them to work out and contractual stuff they have to work out with their mobile versions.

    8.8 years ago
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    @DragonAerotech yeah it sounds like a pretty good update. Shame iOS and android don't have it yet :(

    8.8 years ago
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    13.9k CanofBeans

    @DragonAerotech huh. I see where you're coming from.

    8.8 years ago
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    @CanofBeans They did add a smaller rotator, a hinge "rotator", and a piston that pushes out from its mountings. Plus they gave us a new VTOL slider under the title of "Trim" while also adding trim to control surfaces where you can point your' plane more or less at the attitude you want it at and it'll try to keep it. I'd say they did a pretty bang up job on this update. The only regret I really have is once again, if you want a part to rotate in one direction but not the other you still can't do it without "true" modding. (For example I'd like my hinge joints to only go up to 75 degrees but only go down as far as their starting position on some builds.)

    8.8 years ago
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    13.9k CanofBeans

    That's what I have been asking for. A more sensitive rotation system that doesn't need modding will allow a lot of users to make cooler and cooler planes.

    8.8 years ago
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    Yeah it really sucks being on iOS, as opposed to pc. @DragonAerotech

    8.8 years ago
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    Yeah it really sucks being on iOS, as opposed to pc. @DragonAerotech

    8.8 years ago
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    @GreenGiraffe Ah sorry to hear that, I keep forgetting the multi-platform nature of this game. As a veteran of FFXI I should be able to keep that in mind though, as there were things Xbox players and PS2 players could do that as a PC user I couldn't. ^_^;

    8.8 years ago
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    @Thelaw11 Yeah it kinda bites that we can't just nudge an angle out of a part. I am brand-new to this modding stuff and its just simple changing of figures on set parts as opposed to making brand new parts. Heck I haven't even looked at what a normal angle looks like in text yet but I have a fair idea of where that will appear and how to change it to the appropriate figure. I'm in the process of trying to swap out all the stock guns on one of my major builds to account for a realistic rate of fire, muzzle velocity, caliber, tracer color, etc.

    8.8 years ago
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    Thanks for the upvotes and comments everyone! I really hope they implement this in a future update. Btw @ElGatoVolador thanks but that was just an example. Sorry! @DragonAerotech I really wish I could but I'm on iOS and I can't really do that.

    8.8 years ago
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    6,959 Thelaw11

    that would be awesome to nudge angles of parts. less times i gotta switch to xml then reload my plane 1.5 million times lol:)

    8.8 years ago
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    You can offset parts using nudging, (highlight the part you want to move around, and while holding shift down use W to move it up, S down, D to the right (from the rear of the design), A to the left (Again, from the rear), E to move a part forward and Q to move a part backwards. It moves it by very small increments at a go. I am not sure how the game engine would interpret the nose gear being slightly off-center though - I haven't tried single tailwheels yet either. I'm guessing if one would have a negative impact the other would too.

    8.8 years ago
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    @GreenGiraffe Pst I can do that for you, upload your plane unlisted and il give the engines 9 degree angle, just what direction?

    8.8 years ago
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    I agree, a more dynamic rotation tool for the stock editor would be nice.

    8.8 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison just in case

    8.8 years ago
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    @GreenGiraffe Yeah. It would

    8.8 years ago
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    Oh ok I wouldn't know cause I'm on IOS and it would be a lot easier if it was in the base game. @SimpleTechAndResearch

    8.8 years ago
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    XML Editing or Hellfirekoder's fine tuner mod can do that

    8.8 years ago