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Despite all my efforts :/

8,799 Meawk  8.8 years ago

Dear Devs, I tried everything you told me and simpleplanes is still not working on my computer when I install it. Im not sure what to do. Just wanted to let followers (if they even care anymore XD) know that im probably not going to make any more planes.

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    @Meawk for nudging, find HellFire's Fine tuner mod. As for xml, my personal choice is ES file Explorer.

    8.8 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    @MaleticAirplanes well, its hard on my phone since I don't know how to mod, and there is no nudge, so I wont be able to work on the new designs and planes I had planned, which would take a LOT of detailing and small fixing that I just don't have the precision to do on a samsung.

    8.8 years ago
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    Why don't you try SP on your phone? I'm rolling that way for quite a while, and I'm doing great. You are genuinely a good player, and I'm not glad to see you go.

    8.8 years ago
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    8.8 years ago