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Stop it why dont you!

4,239 Jbr82  8.9 years ago

To all of you nimbwits outthere who downloads and uploads others builds, to gain points....... Its called stealing my young padawan.... Even though its only a digital universe made up of zero's and one's, its still a put in not so nice words here thing to do, and karma will find you no matter where you hide. Build your own planes and better your self instead of copying..... NEWSFLASH you can see who build the original in the top screen.

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    25.2k kikasshes

    @PhilipTarpley I've always thought about it like that!

    8.9 years ago
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    23.7k GrimMantis

    @PhilipTarpley it's good to here that

    8.9 years ago
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    4,239 Jbr82

    Its not really about the points. I mean, its not like they are worth money..... Its just the atttion craving maner that makes me a little mad. @PhilipTarpley

    8.9 years ago
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    @GrimMantis That is true, but I don't think that is what people are referring to here for the most part. Plus, we take those down any time we see 'em.

    8.9 years ago
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    23.7k GrimMantis

    @PhilipTarpley yea but there is a way to re upload a plane without the tag that says based on, since i dont want peaple to exploit it im not gonna say it out loud

    8.9 years ago
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    I just want to ask if everyone is aware that "stealing" designs in this manner gives the original creator points as well when it is upvoted? We thought that would make this issue less issue since you also get points when a re-upload gets 'em.

    8.9 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    @General360 Bruh, we killed them off last month. Points at the smoldering remains of green blocky planes

    8.9 years ago
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    4,239 Jbr82

    I should have been more specific in who i ment, in the text above..... Im talking about those who never change or write anything. They just repost it and done. I dont mind people, rebuilds my planes and upload them BUT i demand to get credited for my work. If they do that, i dont mind at all. I do myself.... Thats the difference between stealing, and building a "tribute" to the original.@Thefalloutplayr

    8.9 years ago
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    Kinda like the F-35 i redid people harassed me but I had proper credit given and everything just look at it on the comments@Jbr82

    8.9 years ago
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    4,239 Jbr82

    Ahhh i see...... What a fine mess that must have been....@Thefalloutplayr

    8.9 years ago
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    4,239 Jbr82

    Its a redone plane in wicth i loud and clearly explains that it aint mine to begin with. And a detailed explanation of my reedits. You get it.....@Umbreon

    8.9 years ago
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    4,047 Umbreon

    I wonder what this is...

    8.9 years ago
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    Well in the beginning of the the hole "jelly" thing there was a person on YouTube who's name was jelly and he started playing SP! (Which is fine) but he knew nothing about the game he didn't know how to change locations, he didn't know how to fly properly etc. then when he found out that people had made planes for him he went bonkers and told everyone to put jelly in the title so he could see them (which is spamming and against the rules) so then he caused a spam of "crappy" planes on the site and some were just popular planes painted green! So then the mods started taking them down and he got upset and said to his "fans" don't let the haters win" (referring to us on SP. now he doesn't play anymore because he got fed up but for a whole month and a half it was pure chaos for the mods and people on the site! So there ya have it The ENTIRE "jelly" thing from start to end@Jbr82

    8.9 years ago
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    @Jbr82 Jelly is the YouTuber that started playing this game some time ago. He was advising his fans to break the rules. That caused a lot of trouble. He's gone now.

    8.9 years ago
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    4,239 Jbr82

    @DeezDucks i shall consider it to be my new reason for living!!! To troll the living hell out of their profiles!!!! ;)

    8.9 years ago
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    4,239 Jbr82

    @General360 I have heard of this jelly thingy, but i really dont know anything about it....... Care to explain? In short terms please! This isnt my first language so i kinda have to use an excessive amount of brainpower for longer english written texts. ;)

    8.9 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    @Jbr82 To some of the class of intelligent ish a**hole dimwits that know its troll and the ones that will actually comply. Try going on to some of those dimwits profiles and delivering you message personally.

    8.9 years ago
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    4,239 Jbr82

    @DeezDucks Soooo what youre saying is that this wont reach the intended dimwits? >_<

    8.9 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    Many of those dimwits have yet to discover the existence of this forums haha.

    8.9 years ago