ok iv did the same thing in simple plane am i proud of it? no. but more and more people are just ripping off planes because to gain followers. but why? if you rip off a plane and get gold its not going to be that great because you stole points from the maker. if you work hard an many planes and you get gold its magical you get that feeling you did something with this game and know you deserve what you have earned. look i know im just kicking a mule but come one were is your creativity? why must you steal from people? just why?
@Skua yes exactly
@Warbrine that would be kinda cool. Maybe something that shows the proportion of parts done by each user involved.
@Skua Will do.
@Skua I have an idea to fix the problem the creators could have an option that makes it so any part takin off there creation can be added to a new section they can add labeled credits so every part taken will automatically be credited to creator
@Dredex we take that pretty seriously, so report or tag it if you see it
@Dredex The mods should definitely look into it. @Skua @RocketLL @TheLatentImage @MediocrePlanes @Puredeath
Same just happened to me. Luckily, the 'redeco' got removed.
@NovaTopaz How they do it is that they rip off the cockpit, make the whole plane a sub assembly, make a new plane, insert said plane, and add the cockpit. Annoying because you don't get notified -_-
@NovaTopaz tru
If they rip it off AND somehow it's not a successor, then it really is ripping them off. Otherwise, the original makers do get points. Though, honestly, they are usually taken care off for provided they are reported.
@foxythegamer12 True.
@SimpleTechAndResearch true and thats no problem its the 100% rip offs im talking about
@foxythegamer12 Get Grammarly. Explains why I have perfect grammar.
We'll, making sucessors are fine. But many changes need to be made
@Thefalloutplayr you bring the funny in a serious situation lol
@Thefalloutplayr lol
@Thefalloutplayr look im a little aggravated ok sorry for the grammer
I'll give you a bit to use Grammer