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5,895 OPOutcast  8.9 years ago

I'm fairly new here. Been posting alot of quality planes durning last week. More to come... However i wanted to post some suggestions to the game and see what other people think. Please post your suggestions as well.

The new BETA released alot of new features which i personally love to use. Here are some suggestions.

The ability to scale freely by writing in your own numbers including decimals. This helps out as you do not need to XML edit as much, i know how to XML but its kinda a chore to save the aircraft, check the XML, save it, load the aircraft, repeat.

Most of the blocks ingame have little to no use left, seeing as the fuselage block is there. However the hardlimit of scale to 5 should be removed. You should also be able to make the fuselage 2 color or more. Example the fuselage block, make it able so you can color the bottom part and the top part.

With the ability to scale freely, blocks such as the nose cone would also lose some of its usefullness, as we can make custom nosecones.

Some sort of SAS system like in KSP. I used to play alot of KSP before but traded it with Simpleplanes. SAS would be great to have when you build VTOLS, Engines that adjust themself to keep balanced would make VTOLs easier to build and maybe, just maybe you would not need to build them vtol nozzels that dosen't look all that good, they look like RCS nozzels.

I love the new light beacons, but there should also be a spotlight of some sort, this would be useful for both car headlights, boats and helicopter searchlights, Airplane landing gear lights.

We also need flares and chaffs. Its kinda rare that i get a missile locked on myself but if i do and they do fire a missile it almost ends up with me being killed.

A radar block of some sort that you can connect to your aircraft. The simple version would be that all cockpits have this radar built in. But you could do this more advanced such as have a block that works as a radar, or even have a reciver block that takes an incoming signal so you need to be close to a prebuilt radar or a built AWACS plain to use the radar correctly. But the simple version is good enough imo.

And weapons, there are alot to expand on here. Both new and old.

The wing cannon is good as it is. Might need firing better sound.

The minigun should come in two version.
One that replicates the M134 Minigun, fires faster then the wing cannon but with less damage and can fire much like the wing cannon.
And a bigger version more keen to a GAU-8 or M-61 Vulcan, only be able to fire in short burst but do alot of damage and is alot heavier.

More kind of missiles, some that are very basic fire and forget. Some that are very short range but highly manuverable, and some that needs you to keep your target locked on but have longer range.

Ground missiles are really needed seeing as we have a "Hellfire" kinda missile already. The only thing we could add here are cruise missiles that are very heavy but have long range, great if you build large bombers such as the B-51 or if you build boats.

We have 2 bombs as of now. Would be fun with more.

The 250 lb can stay the same, i like it.
The 500 lb can also stay the same.
A JDAM type bomb that you can lock on with that guides itself to the target destination.
A Cluster type bomb would be great.

Bombs should also be smarter. If i build a bomb bay and load in bombs in a vertical layout theres no saying what bomb will be dropped first. And that will lead to the whole bomber getting destroyed. If bombs checked if was cleared below before dropping you could build a vertical bomb bay or even a rotary cylinder to drop bombs.

Some cannons would also be great if we want to build tanks in the future. a 105 cannon would also be great so we can build a working AC-130 Gunship in the future. A 40 mm Cannon would also be great for boats and the AC-130 Gunship.

Will maybe post more later.

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    23.7k GrimMantis

    @OPOutcast you said we wouldnt wnkow what bomb would be dropped in a bay, i thing the bomb placed first dropps first but still a good feature

    8.9 years ago
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    5,895 OPOutcast

    @GrimMantis I wasen't thinking on this update, but in a whole.

    8.9 years ago
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    23.7k GrimMantis

    Good suggestions but I think most of these won't be in the NEXT update, mind you next :D

    8.9 years ago