As the new air powers, test their weapons . . . a small nation decided to ruin another even smaller (and poorer nation). Yesterday, Aviz troop movements led to the destruction of two Verkettezian cities. The cities; Houkgun and Verdian were the targets of a recent air campaign by the Aviz 3rd Air Wing. Most of the destruction was caused by B-3s that were leased from the Werkette Republic. The airplanes carry 4000+ pounds of explosive . . . in total . . . they dropped over 200000+ pounds of explosives on just Houkgun alone. These attacks killed at least 100000 people, and injured at least another million.
The tension began earlier, after several border disputes. In the disputes Verkettezian troops attempted . . . and failed to besiege the port city of Vertics, which is located 1 mile from the border. The city was attacked by to warships (VNS. Veliand and the VNS. KaVina), two armored divisions, and a single infantry division. Both ships were sunk 200' off shore, and the infantry were forced to retreat without the ship's heavy fire support. There was only a single infantry division, and naval battery defending the city. 167 sailors died when the ships sunk.
Action was then taken, the bombers mobilized, however a Verkettezian air wing of DF-17s and DF-16s were able to put an end to the bombing . . . thy brought down 6 B-3s. This has put the Werkette Republic at odds with Aviz, the bombers cost 67 million dollars . . . 6 were shot down. The lease was only for 10 years and 102 million dollars. The planes cost 402 million dollars in total. This Means Aviz must cough up a substantial amount of money . . . as their GDP is 5 billion . . . and the Werkette Republic was expecting to get the planes back in one piece.
Which planes?@General360
Ill join. im FAF
Damm valm
@General360 . . . I honestly don't care what happens
@General360 Okay
Can I join .D.
I never understood role playing
@Glaceon Yes
This a roleplay?
Will this involve Sals?