though its not possible for regular players who dont XML edit.. this is the bug what in talking about:
if the object is on any kind of rotating, hinge connection it WILL wobble intensly and it has a loose connection the the connection point. the same thing applies to wings it will begin to wobble intensly to any connection point and will : A. Break off or B. Explode the entire craft. In conclusion i think its an inconvience for XML Modders.
@Flightsonic with that guy from history channel. It said aliens tecnologies. It still aliens!
@Flightsonic lol
@IStoleYourMeme we need a meme for that
@IStoleYourMeme nice physics you got there.
Massless particles move at light speed. I think the game tries to imitate that, but doesn't go quite as fast, I've tested it.
@Flightsonic Yes that is the only solution to this problem
Although it is a bug and should be fixed, it can be worked around by setting it to a very low mass