If you manage to make it into the base, save a location there. When you take off from it, the missile systems won't shoot you.
If you manage to make it into the base, save a location there. When you take off from it, the missile systems won't shoot you.
Same. But there is a course called yeti. Has to be. @Dalton02
@IStoleYourMemeStill can't find it
@HellFireKoder I think they didnt add it because of lag issues
@Dalton02 Using this, I made it there in about a minute or two. When you get to the last island leading there, you'll be able to see it. @HellFireKoder Yeah, that would seem a bit farfetched if it did
@IStoleYourMeme Unfortunately I don't think Maywar made it :/
But I'm not sure, I just know Snowstone made it because someone said they found it on mobile, and I looked at the mobile beta post, which actually says Snowstone is there, it doesn't say Maywar is though :/
Approximately how long @IStoleYourMeme
@Dalton02 No idea, but you can't miss it
After the islands how far @IStoleYourMeme
Then how far
@HellFireKoder Wow! Is Maywar there too? @Dalton02 Take off from Bandit, do a 180, then follow the small islands to your left.
@IStoleYourMeme @Dalton02 Actually, Snowstone is on mobile, the devs used their black magic to make that happen ;)
I thought it was it said so in the beta post
@Dalton02 Snowstone isn't on mobile, the game can't handle it. Heck, it can barely handle what it already has.
EDIT: Apparently it is.
Are you on mobile if so where is snowstone