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[Suggestion] Adjustable Piston Extension

762 reCarn  8.9 years ago

Thanks for checking the thread. I guess this is the part where I explain things.

I've been fiddling around on the mobile beta version (thank goodness it arrived) and once I tried a lot of mechanisms that involved a lot of pistons, I realized a problem: I couldn't get more complex ones correctly. Mainly because the reason is I can only use the pistons on their max or min length and nowhere in between. What I mean to say is that I wanted the ability to use pistons which are extend about halfway or anywhere between 0-100% of the piston's max extension. Did you get that?

I don't know if it already exists and if there is a way to do that, I'll be so glad if you helped. Maybe a link to it?

If there isn't, I imagined it would be something like this:

After the slider for speed/length, an extra slider with the word "Extension" or something follows it. The slider would be in percentage, 0% being that the piston is at its initial and 100% being whatever max you set length to be (which was 0.5 by default). Ofcourse this would replace the "Direction" button seeing as that would probably just clutter things by then.

Now, why should we do this? Well, for me, it's a necessary feature for correctly timing automation especially if used with the "Cycle" feature. I have dozens of robot arms waiting for this to happen. I also have a lot of wave charts visual aids and things that might probably be just gibberish for the commonfolk.

Thanks for reading.

TLDR: More options for piston

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    @reCarn of course my method is just a poor workaround. Let's just hope they will add the extension option in next release.

    8.1 years ago
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    762 reCarn

    @iwannabeelected well, if one were to make such assembly and consider 2 pistons stacked on top of each other in place of a single piston system then that would only add an extra option of like 50% aside from the intial 0% and 100%. So you get only three options: either start at 0, start at 100 or halfway at 50 percent extension. A better piston adjustment option would even go beyond and between these percent values. I hope got the point across. Thank you for posting as well. It helps.

    8.1 years ago
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    Hey! It seems like necroposting but it could work if you used two pistons next to each other, one extended and one contracted. It will appear like a single piston extended halfway. You can put contracted one to the activation group, contract the extended one and then activate the contracted one, and they will (well I hope so) function simultaneously from now on.

    8.1 years ago
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    762 reCarn

    Shameless self bump. Please upvote if you agree. It will help a lot. Thanks.

    8.9 years ago
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    762 reCarn

    @WNP78 yep, it does. Tried that too but it just doesn't come close to what I'm asking. I don't need LONGER pistons, just the ability to build it up while it's partially extended to the max value.

    8.9 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    Well, if you XML mod a piston, the darker bit actually extends out of the base, and hovers in the air. It's quite weird.

    8.9 years ago
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    762 reCarn

    @jsaret Thanks, I'll try to get this out to as many people as I can.

    8.9 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    I love this. It's necessary. Thanks for suggesting!

    8.9 years ago