Ok, what constitutes "mobile friendly"? Reason I ask is I don't play or build on mobile and I am really trying hard to make this current build just that. Is it a part limit or the number of gizmos or control surfaces... Maybe all of the above?
I said I would try the build something mobile friendly on my last build and I really want to keep my word! Oh it is awesome build so far. My part count is only 38 and it all fuselage and 4 wheels! Lol I know what else would I build.
Anyway any help on this would be greatly appreciated;)
Cheers Moterkade
Anything minus 300 parts, gizmos and weapons don't matter that much. This is coming from a two year android player.
What is a part count not including lag and that stuff like when on mobile the download thing is white and stuff I'm okay with a message as long as I can download it so what is it the block count???
Highest part count thing I downloaded was your mustang, I had no problem with that. No lag at all.
It depends on a mix of them all. 400-600 parts is around the OK area. Over that, laggy as hell. Too much weaponry...laggy as hell. You get the idea. Control surfaces dont matter though. I have had low part count things lag though due to lots of weaponry or other script intesive things.
I can play with max.700-750Parts
Btw guns are quite laggy, because I built a boat with 219 parts and it lagged less than my Hawker Hurricane replica which had around 80 parts, of which 8 were wing guns.
My IPad mini can just about handle 150 blocks....
My crappy phone can run 25 fps @ 600 parts
On my tablet I can go to around 700 to 800 parts
@Robertobean I know how you feel about not being able to use featured planes.
For me I lag at 300 parts even at 200 its still not ok. I know, it sucks.
@Robertobean Different mobile devices can handle different things. To truly be mobile friendly, the worst mobile devices should be able to handle them.
@Robertobean I will do my best to keep part level down. It will mean though the details will suffer. I will most likely have to post another version will the details added. But I will try my absolute best. :)
The part limit is around 800 for me.
Actually, I don't have a problem with weapons if there are tons of them. @KnightOfAraluen
To make it mobile friendly, keep the part count and size down. Weapons also lag a lot if there is too many.
You can't include any of the new parts on steam, and (Don't qoute me on this) try to keep the part number under 250. Im just guestimating that number. But everytime for me when there are many parts the app shuts down and I have to retry and hope it works. I can't use almost everything featured. Btw 250 is friendly to IOS, or so I've speculated. Im an expert on this because i have IOS and everytime I try to load a large plane I want to chuck my IPad at a wall... 😡
@KillShot86 @General360 Ah ok so wheels are no good at this point, but will be in the near future. Well all good info! Thanks for the help!