So recently in Alberta Canada, there was a massive forest fire which caused Alberta to declare a state of emergency. There is way to much for me to talk about in this forum post, but here is the rundown, 80,000 people fled south, while about 25,000 headed north, 850 square kilometres now burned.
You can find more info at here
@Thefalloutplayr since the forums haven't been totally filled with posts about it, I think we can let this one stand
Dude what have I done to anger you? We can talk about
Omfg I swear I'm gonna flip.@Supercraft888
Actually Canada does have those things, yes it's steryotypical, but I've gotten use it it, and I'll change the tags so you can calm down a bit eh?
@Thefalloutplayr Sir, you must decrease the kinetic energy in your body of atoms.
STOP WE DONT SAY THAT YA JACKA$$@amazingperson124
@Thefalloutplayr okay, okay, eh. Maple syrup, eh.
It doesn't belong on a website about PLANES@Supercraft888
Stop being a damn stereotypical person@amazingperson124
@MrVaultech Eskimos
Umm we get some not snow? If that's what ur wondering, we also have a pretty darn good prime minister, oh and forest fires
Well, besides snow.
I'm just trying to raise awareness to an issue and try to show support to those thousands of people who have lost thier homes
@MrVaultech Snow
This doesn't belong on SP take it down or I'm gonna get a mod to take it down. @TheLatentImage @Skua
Wait, something happened in Canada?! I thought nothing ever happened there!
Yes it looks like a warzone, but it's actually natures powerful
The pictures remind me of Kuwait
It's very bad, very bad... My thoughts and prayers go out to them, hope the fire gets extinguised as soon as possible
@TheHardcoreFlyer ooooh in canada
? what happened?