i cant get the new update for my kindle. when i type simple planes up on the Amazon kindle it does not show up, before the update simple planes showed up first when you type up simple planes in the store. you now have to go to the developer games section to find it. when you find it it shows the updated app page of simple planes. but it does not say update in the yellow box where it just says open which is the old version of the game. whats the problem my kindle is it outdated or they want me to buy a new one for kindle to make money? please help me devs i have two unfinished projects.
edit 5/7/16
tried downloading from the Amazon kindle store online it didn't work
Amazon kindle update problem
11.4k CarlosDanger13
8.7 years ago
@Hypakiller123 Yes you'll need to purchase the game to get the new updates so you can download newer planes.
@Hypakiller123 That's correct. We removed SP from Amazon Underground. You can read more about that here.
@nikisme123456 ok nice to know
@CarlosDanger13 use simpleplanes on kindle
@nikisme123456 what
I do
@AndrewGarrison got it thanks you the best
@AndrewGarrison yes I got it. Thanks a ton I don't know what I would do without you. So glad you listen to the community and want to help fix problems. Thanks again.
@AndrewGarrison yay I got it. thanks :D
@BlueHawk, @GINGER01, @jpower, @CarlosDanger13
okay, the update is live, so let me know if you guys can get it.
@CarlosDanger13 good I'm gonna start making red rider 2 and Ford F150
@BlueHawk live sometime tomorrow
And it gives me no option to update also they removed it from the main search I can find simple planes but I have to click on simple rockets and then look at the developer apps, it also has done this too other apps
Kindle fire HD (3rd generation) @AndrewGarrison
@AndrewGarrison thank you you are amazing
@AndrewGarrison thanks for all your hard work
@AndrewGarrison I have never seen a microphone on this device so I would say no and the first 4 digits are D026.
@BlueHawk, @GINGER01, @jpower, @CarlosDanger13
Okay, I have submitted a new build to Amazon to hopefully address the compatibility issue. It should be live sometime tomorrow. Please let me know tomorrow if you are able to get the update (v1.4.2).
@GINGER01 Ah....does your Kindle have a microphone?
@AndrewGarrison I just emailed you a link. tell me which kindle on the picture is your please :)
@GINGER01 What's are the first four characters of your device's serial number?
@AndrewGarrison not sure what version I have. It has 8 gigabytes of storage and I think it's a 2nd generation I know it's not a 1 st generation. My system version is 10.5.1user5174820 and my device does not give me the option to update. Thank you so much for looking into this.
@BlueHawk, @GINGER01, @jpower, @CarlosDanger13
I'm looking into this today. I have this model of Kindle and the app works on it (slow, but works).
@AndrewGarrison so whats the news on this?
@AndrewGarrison We need way to, instead of deleting and reposting things, update an existing aircraft/car/tank/boat.