Please help I can't find maywar island. The desert.
It doesn’t exist on iOS
No maywar
that’s krakabola @AKun
@Caveman999 USS Tiny two near snowstone
I already searched for ages and I ended up giving up. I know a fast plane that could discover places faster it's called the R-1750 (Pixel Camo) Gypersonic Fighter
What places are on mobile? @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch oh. Thanks
It's not on mobile sadly:(
It doesn’t exist on iOS
No maywar
that’s krakabola @AKun
@Caveman999 USS Tiny two near snowstone
I already searched for ages and I ended up giving up. I know a fast plane that could discover places faster it's called the R-1750 (Pixel Camo) Gypersonic Fighter
What places are on mobile? @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch oh. Thanks
It's not on mobile sadly:(