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Car Racing in Simpleplanes!

35.3k BoxGlow  8.9 years ago

While messing around I have found a good way to race cars in Simpleplanes

- The car should accelerate with throttle
- The car should steer with roll
- All car functions should be free from any activation groups
- All race should be done with the AI controlling the player car

Drag race:
- Start in Daredevil Race
- Race two times so each car has a chance to be controlled by the player AI
- The car with the fastest time to get the "Ring Missed" message wins.

Off-road Race:
- Start in Sandsift Drift (sorry mobile users)
- Race two times so each car has a chance to be controlled by the player AI
- The car with the fastest time to get the "Your airplane cannot touch the water" message wins.

Have fun! and before anyone ask.. this is not a contest.. you can do this on your own to see which of your vehicles is the best

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    35.3k BoxGlow

    @JDM im not running a contest.. LOL.. you can do this on your own to see which of your cars is the best.

    8.9 years ago
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    6,589 JDM

    @BoxGlow ill have to work on a rally car. i do have my trophy truck thats on my page

    8.9 years ago
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    35.3k BoxGlow

    @JDM both. daredevil starts in the Yaeger airport while Sandshift Drift starts in, well, the sand.. (^.^)

    8.9 years ago
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    6,589 JDM

    offroad or road?

    8.9 years ago
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    22.5k MoterKade

    @BoxGlow Ah I see that I did not know. Well then I hope something is worked out in the end! Would be nice to have a car race as you say. Give it time. Im sure they have already thought about it :)

    8.9 years ago
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    35.3k BoxGlow

    @MoterKade You can do that if you want to control you car manually. but (for now) your AI opponent does not know how to brake/reverse or even use yaw for steering.
    Hopefully, the devs will add a real car race that could handle cars good enough because we now have 3 tracks to race our vehicles

    8.9 years ago
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    22.5k MoterKade

    Like the Idea except I would like the option of Pitch for forward and reverse. Pitch combined with the resizable wheels and brake can bring just about any creation build with in reason to a halt incredibly quick and effective. Thottle does not have that kind of response. Good for planes not so good for cars. Just a thought.

    8.9 years ago