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New weapons?

45 TheSwissOfAllCheeses  8.8 years ago

So I don't want to be "that guy" and suggest something that's already in progress, or a bad idea...but now that there are destructible ships it would be cool to add torpedos, and a different viewing angle maybe so you could aim them better. Is this a good idea? And are there other weapons people would like to see? (Not as mods, but to be implemented into the game)

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    @metalsaurus @TheSwissOfAllCheeses I personally would like the bombs and missiles thrown out and replaced with explosive fuselages, tail sections that could be resized, rocket motors, and tracking systems (radar or Infrared) so we could build our own stuff, much like the devs are doing with landing gear. @AndrewGarrison

    And yes, i hope to continue work on a torpedo.

    8.8 years ago
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    I do, however, realize that a lot of these weapons requests other users have are War Thunder inspired, so if the dev's don't want to add them to keep to the theme of a physics game and not just a war game, I totally understand

    8.8 years ago
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    I was actually working on a torpedo befor i lost my files. I even successfully tested it against the USS Tiny.

    8.8 years ago