my letter because I screwed up the first time.
Ok guys, for real. Let's sit down and have a long talk. You guys are proving points don't mean everything. By creating new accounts at 0 points.
If points don't mean anything, WHY MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT IT???? Ok. I know what you guys are saying. "We're giving lower ranked users a chance to get points. But you are not. You aren't giving lower users attention, you are simply moving your account to another. If you want to show user awareness, then start a program where we all promote lower users.
The only thing all this "restarting" does is clog up the websites traffic and memory usage. Stop.
All this restarting is pushing me away from the community itself. I mean (no offense I guess) if people here are stupid enough to literally give there channel away for no reason, I'm not sure I want to be here.
The reason a channel exists in my opinion is to be able to look into the past and see your favorite users past creations in an organized group.
To get some low ranked user attention, the right way I'm going to try to start something. If I get enough support I will start a program were once a week, myself and other high ranked users will coordinate together and promote a few picked low ranked users in the descriptions of all our planes and in forum posts.
I know lol @PlanesOfOld
The worst thing that's happened to AP is you posting that gravatar. It almost made me rush to the water closet! It's terrifying.... Please become a horror movie director.... Please please please you would be so good lol. @TehDuck
@TehDuck hahaha
@MrSilverWolf yea
@Johndfg I think that they did.
@thenight I sent you a message on hangouts
@TehDuck @MrSilverWolf yea it's bad, I think the mods are going to have to clean this up
This is how I feel about this
I've done some research and this is officially the worst thing to happen to SP ever, worse than jelly
@TehDuck same lol, I may or may not have took a nap...
Restarting? wtf happened well I was gone for a few hours?
Although I do agree, and it makes it even more "unfair" to someone who doesn't get an account, this is partially adding to this spam
@thenight will do, but I'm going to go to sleep now, see ya
@thenight awesome, I'm not sure exactly what we all should do, but I was think like a "featured" page, but instead of featuring planes it features users from silver and below, or something. There could be requirements to make it on the page to motivate users to make quality creations. Maybe like 10 users would be feature a week, and the list would renew on a specific day, so the featured users would be seen for 7 days. Anyways, that's my idea (and sorry if it seemed like I was attacking you, I'm not, I just don't like what's going in and being a little harsh is sometimes the only way to get a point across on the internet)
@JDM alltimelow, which is a silver account, so not sure why s/he's the one restarting
@thenight whats your main account?
@thenight I don't really understand your point here. Like I said, all this isn't showcasing anyone. Secondly, unless you give your account to someone else now, your new account or your old one will most likely be taken down. I suggest that if you guys really feel that lower users are being stuck as lower users (which blatantly isn't true, I went from 0 to 17k points starting 3 months ago) anyways, if you really think there is a problem, let's all coordinate and find a large scale and guaranteed way to showcase new users. Even though that is what the feature system is. Only low ranked users get featured, it's a pretty good way to give low users attention...
@thenight that's all good, but you just have to think. The weekly shootouts don't help new users for longer than a week, so do you think a new YouTube channel with zero subscribers will get much attention? I suggest you delete your new account, get back on your old one, and help me decide a real way to showcase new users creations
@Sutairs @GINGER01 @xplane10 exactly guys, I'm glad some people agree with me. I think the funny thing is the amount of low ranked users against this idea too
@thenight why though? All your subs will leave, the same if some youtuber gave they're channel away. This all is pointless, and I respect the thought and how selfless you all are being, but in my opinion it doesn't make anything better and is a poorly thought out way to appease a small majority of complainers
Making new account but announcing who you were. Lol. Zero and already popular.
The best way to help the community is not to restart your account but by giving guidance and help inexperienced users. Restarting really won't help. This seems like it adds too much drama. As well more experienced users who have experience won't stay a small user for long because the will make awesome planes that will get them the points they need to become higher ranks.
Yes! Amen! I agree 100% do not reset.
@thenight I sincerely hope that's not your argument for all this pointless spam and confusion.
@SeraphimVault so what's going to happen? The mass execution of the pointless sympathy accounts? I should make some popcorn and watch the show