This is coming from someone that has had the game since release. Stop it with the restarting, all it does is put more load on the servers for the site. Go back to your original accounts, and stop it with the alts/restart accounts, to put a slight bit less load on the servers. Sound nice? Now stop it with the stupidity.
Are you as hyped as me for BF1 !!!!!?@ThunderIndustries
I mean it is me GriffithAir talking to you right now @Thefalloutplayr
It's @Wraith I looked at his forum posts and he said it@ThunderIndustries
Hey @Thefalloutplayr it is GriffithAir
@SomeonesALTaccount ok that makes sense
@Johndfg @Tehduck see below.
@Thetank2 Yes TheTank, you are correct, its because I forgot the password for my main account. Anyways, I just use this account for conversations, etc. while i use my main thats still logged into on the SimplePlanes app to post planes....mostly terrible ones.
@TehDuck ya
This isn't hypocritical at all because he made his alt for a actual useful reason probably @Johndfg
What if they forget the password???
@Thefalloutplayr lol
@Thefalloutplayr haha wait, if this is an alt account isn't this super hypocritical?? 😂 Just wondering
Ok I found it his real profile is @Wraith@Johndfg
Hmmm then idk@Johndfg
@Thefalloutplayr but didn't simpletech make a new account just now?
I know who it is but I forgot I think it's SimpleTechAndResearch@Johndfg
I agree, but m confused, are you actually an alt account too or is that just a joke