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The Cancer that is Restarting Over

39.2k Squirrel  8.8 years ago

So a good few hours ago I made a post regarding other users and the fact that they're complaining because they aren't getting enough exposure.

After waking up today and looking though the forum posts I've seen that people are jumping on the bandwagon of starting over in order to either supposedly give new users a better chance or just have there 15 minutes of fame to look like the good guy. Allow me to explain.

If you're starting over, the one thing you don't do is brag about it. You're supposed to be starting over, telling people that you are:

a) makes them really confused
b) encourages this cancer to grow
c) allows people to know you were a high ranked user, so you're already encouraging account growth
d) is a waste of resources
e) doesn't help the situation at all

The thing is, by telling people you're a high ranked user starting over only encourages people to follow you. Which means you're going to get points a lot quicker than the average new user. Which defeats the whole point of starting over.

Moreover, you're not giving the low ranked users more exposure. By my reasoning before, you are only moving the users below you up a place. In other words you're actually promoting the exposure of high ranked users that are below you. That isn't helping the lower ranks at all. Think of it as a line of doritos, each one getting smaller as you go down the line, if you take away the big one, people will go for the second biggest one, not the tiny crumb at the back of the line.

You're also confusing your existing followers. Believe it or not some of these people will really like your stuff. Starting over will make them confused. If they really like your aircraft building style and you take that away from them to prove a point that you can't actually prove, you're inadvertently making the game WORSE for the people that follow you. Think about it:

  • All of a sudden there's no activity on the account
  • Followers are left wondering what happened, why it happened and most importantly, they now no longer have access to your latest creations which they thought made the game that little bit better

Congratulations. Not only are you jumping on a bandwagon that makes no logical sense, but you're also ruining the game for others in order to prove a point that you can't actually prove. As stated in my last post, these people complaining about the points system, often have very little right to because they're either unoriginal, not a regular contributor or have only been active on the site for little over a month.

So with all the above in mind, please stop jumping on the illogical bandwagon, you're ruining it for others. Anyway, until next time, happy flying!

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  • Profile image
    18.2k exosuit

    The famous is always "promote himself"

    8.7 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    Same here brah

    8.7 years ago
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    1,941 Cailean

    @BroPlanes Yea it would be special.

    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    8,799 Meawk

    @BroPlanes its not luck its just that the dev likes it. A famous person liking french fries doesn't mean that the french fries are lucky :/

    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    1,941 Cailean

    Geez. Some People are illogical these days what the heck is the point in doing that? That is a waste of everyone's time doing that.

    8.8 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    @Squirrel yeah. gg at least you are the first one so nobody can really throw any shade.

    8.8 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Meawk They already have, I've counted numerous ones. I think @TheLatentImage uploaded the "original" one first. But I didn't see it until I posted this.

    8.8 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk



    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    8,799 Meawk

    gg now everyone will hop on the bandwagon of making posts that literally say the same exact thing as this one

    8.8 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    I love the Ki43 lol and I think the Me410 is a great lookin plane. But my favorite three are the Short Stirling, Spitfire mk24, and the 57mm cannon mosquito! @General360

    8.8 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    I'm never leaving. I sat on a super glued chair in the sandbox builder... Well I hope TOC will continue being 'non agressive' although I would like it if he actualy tried to befriend me. Like I am trying. @General360

    8.8 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Lol American planes are realy well made and reliable but you can't beat the beautiful curves or sound of a spit or the agressive nose of a massershmit ehh? Lol I feel completely the same! @General360

    8.8 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Great! But no need m8 I follow you. Sorry if I don't see much stuff since the new two colum notification page I've hardly even seen the stuff in the right hand side lol. And I've been busy atm :) keep up the good work! Oh and I thought you might be good at building a Curtiss JN4 and some old murican 20s&30s biplanes :) @General360

    8.8 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    What's wrong bud? @General360

    8.8 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Johndfg I have no problem with it, I've only really got the one set of notifications and I have nothing better to do as of now XD

    @General360 There's no apology needed. If it helps take a break. As a community we have all contributed to this toxic mess one way or another. Leaving altogether is not the way to go. People will miss your uploads, I will miss your uploads. But, if it's a problem, take a short break and wait for this whole thing to blow over. I'll do what I can to help, but I'm not making promises.

    8.8 years ago
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    87.3k Johndfg

    @General360 neither me nor squirrel are mad at you

    8.8 years ago
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    87.3k Johndfg

    @Squirrel thanks. (And sorry, I just realized we've been talking on your post the whole time, hope there wasn't too much spam)

    8.8 years ago
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    87.3k Johndfg

    @General360 I suggest listening to me, I'm trying to help. If you don't want to talk to them about this, and if you won't, and least just go back to normal again, no one hates you, maybe 2 people dislike you. If you really don't want to do anything I guess I won't go any further to help you, but that's your choice

    8.8 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @General360 Hey, this is getting blown way out of proportion. It was a simple disagreement and a couple of bad assumptions. Is there any chance you can link me to said post so I can put a few things straight?

    8.8 years ago
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    87.3k Johndfg

    @General360 I'll back you up. Nothing they've said so far has been very disrespectful to you, but if they start I'll help you out.

    8.8 years ago
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    87.3k Johndfg

    @General360 I saw, it was 2 people dude. And no offense, but the way you responded was wrong, they did not insult cancer. I understand why you would be angry, but that wasn't really the right way to respond. Also, I 100% guarantee that if you tell them you know you did something wrong, apologize (I know, apologizing sucks). But anyways, if you do that I bet they will understand and it'll all be fine.

    8.8 years ago
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    87.3k Johndfg

    @General360 ok, this is too far. Name one thing you've done "wrong" on this site besides getting into an argument with iFalco. You've clearly done something right, you have 37k points, almost 200 subs, I respect you so I'm sure others do, and your planes and WWII posts are extremely successful. The vast majority of people here like you, and in life people won't agree with you, always. I hope you change your mind

    8.8 years ago
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    87.3k Johndfg

    @General360 please don't

    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    87.3k Johndfg

    @General360 can you link me to the post? And please don't leave because 2 people don't like you, there are a hundred more who want you to stay. And seriously, what your saying is really negative, you ok man?

    8.8 years ago
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    87.3k Johndfg

    @HiMyNameIsWalrus @General360 dude are you serious? I respect you guys but come on. Cancer is "a practice or phenomenon perceived to be evil or destructive and hard to contain or eradicate" how is this post making fun of cancer? You got upset at squirrel, and squirrel proved you wrong. That is no reason to get upset and leave the community, I'm sure squirrel meant no harm at all. Just like this 'restarting' thing, let's not let a misunderstanding tear this community apart

    (Also, I like your build general360, please don't leave)

    8.8 years ago
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