What a upvote means to me is a token of appreciation from the downloader/follower to the creator! Every upvote makes people including me feel like they are important and aren't just a average person human trying to get noticed. We need to show more appreciation to everyone no matter what rank for what they do! That can include simply going to the new plane section and upvoting a few nice planes! Tag the people you appreciate in the community below and say thank you!
Thank you a lot now you deserve a upvote
@PigeonBagle I think that's right gave me my first upvote, how far we have came
@AwesomeAir lol nope XD."
Does upvoting cost anything
@eternaldarkness ty
got 2 upvotes on a plane, my first upvotes.
My plane t11 and blasto J300 got upvoted lol
@Supermini555 (^_^) thanks.
@ccooper You are the best dude.
@lujox @Warbrine you guys are great!
@Upquark I hope to 😊
Or we could have a recently joined system so people get noticed. And people who constantly hang around the "newest aircraft" section get the unnoticed noticed.
Go figure
Also confession, I'L BE BACH
:D I hope to continue this friendship m8 @grizzlitn
Im not a human being! :D
and @Upquark my 1st follower and my friends 😊
@DatWalrus you are always welcome 😊 by the way I want to thank you for supporting me. And big thanks to all persons help me to get this rank like @ccooper and @Kimo @ronyseptian17 @Nickasaurus and a lot of people that supporting me 😊😊
Thank you very much @grizzlitn!
i would love to shout out everyone who has upvoted my things like i did when i got to silver, but it will take forever to get all the names, but i would thank ccooper Goblix and Saruman that have helped me get to were i am the most
@General360 not even the snow base or main airport?
@T0PD0GDEFENSIVECO yes i agree
@General360 hey butt have you unlocked the snow race feather thingy
@General360 mobile has snow island