Today the news is about jelly plane lets get started
What is a Jelly plane?
It is a plane wich has the tag "YouTuber Jelly" on it.
Uprising against Jelly.
Many posts have said the Jelly is not respecting the builders of jelly planes enough. Such as Thehtmguy has said that Jelly idled the throttle so his plane can't reach 9k mph and called him a Lying piece of sh*t.
A disgrace?
People hate Jelly so much due to the fact he insulted them. They wanted to delete the slim green color and the Jelly tag.
So what is your opinion?
Is Jelly a disgrace to SP comunity or just a funny YouTuber?
That is all for today, For more news everyday. Follow me on SP comunity.
Oh I don't really whatch them @GrimMantis
@TehDuck mmm... no respect for anyone other than his fans
Yup @TemDesBur
he a is a really arrogant youtuber
@Hazard862 I got the game after watching petard and weasel
Is jelly a disgrace? Yes, a funny youtuber? Phhhht Hajahahhhahhaha.... Wait your being serious?
I'm got the game cause of this I never liked jelly
F*ck my brain@FrankieB
Wish this was first comment
Incoming yelling from 9 year olds
"Funny" is not the word I would use...
new glitch confirmed, that whale i was talking about was using a glitch where he could reset the missiles just before they hit him, making it really easy to make it into the snowstone base
@Flyingtacos last time that sort of thing happened people got banned and jelly then started this whole ordeal, in a way some players started this whole thing (not going to point fingers at any) I saw numerous post on "kill the jelly planes" and I think in a way some SP players started that. Again not going to point fingers at any one, and I don't blame those people for saying that, we had already put up with what 3-4 other YouTubers that months so I can see why, I was even tired of it.
its simple, we kill the jelly.
@flyingdj that was baconeggs who was called a lying piece of crap
hmm... its taking a while for my posts to register and show up
And he is just a little annoyance that I'm going to ignore, I think if we just ignore him he might stop calling out players (not going to repeat that word) and telling his fans to swarm the news page of green copies all with the title "For Jelly!!!!!"
@flyingdj sok man. i have been active in this "conflict" tho
Please forgive me"begging on my knees"@Thehtmguy
i did post, however, that green should be deleted or replaced.
@FrankieB well in a way he has tore the community apart because I'm seeing all these jelly post and so on, I'm going to try my best to stay out of most of it, so I don't get banned.
woah woah waoh, let me stop ya there, i did not post that in the uprising against jelly, im sure someone in the comments below has said that tho
Yup lol@FrankieB
@FrankieB yes he is lol
I'm not going to say much more than I don't care for him and I'll stop there.