I'm working on a buggy but I'm having issues with it... I can get the suspension to work right and I can't fit in detailing... The reason it's going to be a colab is because I want 2 people putting ideas into the craft not just mine. If you are interested I will check your account and determine wether or not I'll colab with you.
Do you want to do a boat though? I built a hull just now! @SimpleTechAndResearch
No! @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting OH GOD ITS A, thing that has two legs and is kinda pink? But red and it's an octopus
It's a clown with a hockey mask! @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting OH GOD. A CANADIAN OWL IS ON RADAR
I hear a pewds too... @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting shhhh. I hear a jack
Obey the mark... @SimpleTechAndResearch
he said it was okay
@SimpleTechAndResearch I'm not sure how a collab of that'll work...
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting lets Make a flying tree
XD @SimpleTechAndResearch
Or a battleship? Idk... You guys pick... @JDM @SimpleKingdomAerialTesting @SimpleTechAndResearch
I finished the buggy XD how about lets star on that tank? @JDM @SimpleTechAndResearch
Here @JDM @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting sure
Do you want to do a tank colab with @SimpleTechAndResearch also? (After this ofcouse) @JDM
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting im here. three people. more cool thingy's lol
You there? @JDM
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting Okay
Ask JDM if he wants to do it with both of us. If not we can do a tank colab! @SimpleTechAndResearch
Can i
It may be a few... (3-6 hours) @JDM