yes im asking for an overwatch challenge even tho i cant build planes at all lol im just seeing who will take the challenge of building a car/plane based on the overwatch characters so yea
yes im asking for an overwatch challenge even tho i cant build planes at all lol im just seeing who will take the challenge of building a car/plane based on the overwatch characters so yea
I built's plane that flies
@Meawk theres mah problem, i get like 1 hour of time id be willing to practice a month due to school, and overwatch, and doom
@Thehtmguy hey it only takes a bit of practice to get the basics down. Heck you can become a UGC iron sixes soldier in a week with like 1 hour of practice a day.
@Meawk Im horrible at rocket jumping XD
@Thehtmguy I actually have a LOT of time as soldier but thats just because im amazing at rocket jumping/market gardening. A lot of my friends that I play with are surprised that im a good medic.
@Meawk good luck my friend
@Meawk me? im usually scout 40% of the time, engineer 30%, heavy10%, and sniper 20% (exact stats, i try my best to keep to them) Also, since i mainly play as scout, it makes sense that I would like playing as Tracer the most.
time for me to attempt to make d.VA on my phone. Wish me luck
@bspboy @ELBROWNIE @Thehtmguy Mercy and tracer are my fav heroes (Im a med main in tf2 so GO HEALING CLASS)
I like Hanzo, Genii, Bastion, Torbjorn and Symmetra. But I switch a lot depending on what my team requires. @Thehtmguy
@Thehtmguy my favs are winston, tracer (not cuz of her bun buns), REAPER, and bastion
well, while we wait, who is your favorite character?
(if we get enough responses [5] ill announce mine)