This is just a simple gameplay challenge that you can try on your own (or maybe you already have). The idea is to start at the Wright Airport location, drive a rover through the entire "suicide trench", and then cross over the "bowl" part of the island and return to the starting point at Wright Airport. It takes a while (probably 20-40 minutes) and is tedious, but I enjoyed it. I first tried this about a year and a half ago with a clunky, fragile vtol-powered rover. It's much easier now with the new car parts!
(I don't recommend watching the whole thing, because it's only slightly more exciting than watching paint dry. It's just there to show the idea and demonstrate that it is easily doable).
You don't need a fancy vehicle; the one I used is basically just 4 wheels and a big motor. A more sophisticated one might make the trip faster. Give it a go.
we should measure the time and post it
My truck can survive a trip from yeager to bandit airport and it is a nice thing to drive @ABC123
@WhiteWing Give it a try then :)
@BeamrDevelopment looks neat. Do the "Tour" with it :)
My newest vehicle, (My Defense vehicle has great suspension and high speeds that could easily do this
If it's rover's you're after, try one of my Spiderant builds.