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Input fields

14.9k NumNumz  8.8 years ago

What if their were input fields for each part where you could type in things like position, rotation, and scale, maybe even connections. It just seems pretty basic, and would make building alot less tedious. jus' sayan :p

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    14.9k NumNumz

    It would totally be like, the best thing ever. and even better would be if things like length, width, offset, were all changed to input fields. Hell, why not just change it all to input fields. Then building would be way simpler, and allow for way more complex builds. You just get really tired of xml modding after a while and often end up taking shortcuts or not doing some things altogether simply out of fatigue.

    8.8 years ago
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    i hate spending hours getting into the xml files this would be great @andrewgarrison @philiptarpley

    8.8 years ago
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    14.9k NumNumz

    @WeeBabySeamus @AndrewGarrison @PhilipTarpley

    8.8 years ago
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    7,322 OtterOfToast

    I don't like XML modding, so I do think this would be acceptable. It'd give me a way to make more professional looking aircraft without needing to cheat :D

    8.8 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    Yeah, a way to get XML modding precision without needing to go through the XML files would be great

    8.8 years ago