Can someone make a minigun that has a rpm of three to times what the normal is and also could you make it have other effects it's for a A-10 ThunderBolt\WartHog so modify it accordingly
Can someone make a minigun that has a rpm of three to times what the normal is and also could you make it have other effects it's for a A-10 ThunderBolt\WartHog so modify it accordingly
@denialofservice hey could you make these unbreakable? I need:
Structural Panel
Hinge rotator (that cannot come apart)
Small Rotator (No coming apart)
@LightningTreeSavor ok
My gyroscopes
It has modded parts!
I have made compact gyroscopes stabilizer 14.6ft wing span 14.5ft width and 12 ft height
@denialofservice thanks
@MechWARRIOR57 I made it
@MechWARRIOR57 I'll try
@denialofservice could you XML a non-retractable landing gear wheel a fuselage and shock have no collisions?
@denialofservice thanks
@MechWARRIOR57 you're welcome! If you need anything else just ask
@denialofservice thanks :)
@MechWARRIOR57 it's on my orb of truth
@MechWARRIOR57 yes
@MechWARRIOR57 @denialofservice high rpm?
@denialofservice night rpm?
I have miniguns about five times more powerful on my planes