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The Island Wars (The squeeze)

6,233 SimpleKingdomAerialTesting  8.8 years ago
Based of the mobile map

The Common wealth Military of Jundroo or CMJ are civilian based. The have a large population and much land to call there's. The currently rule Yeager island, the half of the main island, and USS tiny. The have a descent amount of everything but they have badly trained men. They have there main tensions with The Jundroo Revolutionists or TJR. They own bandit airport and half of the main island. The TJR and CMJ constantly fight on that island attempting to get their men and vehicles to the other side. (Yeager or Bandit airports) The TJR have had control of Wright a few times but struggle to keep it when they do have it. They have many bombers, few fighters, a few tanks, and small amount of men but they are trained better than CMJ. The TJR are watching there supporters though in fear... The small but strong faction of the Fist Of Jundroo or FOJ are supporting the TJR for now... They plan to soon take there land as there own and gain there people from it as well. The have very little but greatly trained men, strong vehicles, strong planes, and strong boats. They hold snow feather and the USS beast currently...

The squeeze

After the FOJ putting the doppleganger into production they begin attacking. The circle CMJ hoping to be able to squeeze them ant take them out but with so many people it's become a challenge. One falls and two takes its place and now FOJ is loosing their grip. With one pus thought CMJ launches a large attack. FOJ quickly responds by retreating all troops from TMJ territory and putting them towards the CMJ front. TMJ sees the opportunity and launches a assault on the fractions from behind. Will FOJ be able to win with their technology? Or how about CMJ with that many me attacking? Or even TMJ with their surprise attack?

To role play post your actions in the comments!
What side will you chose? 0_o

CMJ members:

TJR members:

FOJ members:

Log of events continuing the start of the war:

FOJ puts the Doppelgängerinto production. The Doppleganger is a very fast propjet used by the Limited in resources FOJ for Blitzgriege style ground attack, in the early stages of the war. It uses phsycology to its advantage, by taking the enemy by surprise, as they don't expect a propeller driven fighter to have afterburning jet engines.

FOJ begins work on a X-2 Wolverine prototype

TJR begins working on nukes

BR sends an inqiery to FOJ about thier number of pilots and availability of alluminum and steel, with a proposition of a high speed heavy attack aircraft known as the firecracker, and a light attack aircraft known as Dragonfly.

TJR finishes building their nukes and begins to test them