Can we have options to change the tire type on a landing gear wheel?
So landing at bandit or not even on a runway would be easier
Or landing at sky park city xD
Can we have options to change the tire type on a landing gear wheel?
So landing at bandit or not even on a runway would be easier
Or landing at sky park city xD
@jsaret you forgot the quotes
ok thanks! @jsaret
@Jetspeed1001 @PALP
I'll make one of each rotator modded to
thanks! @Flightsonic
@ImAlsoLaughingSooooooHardRightNow Yep
Can you XML mod a Hinge Rotater to the landing gear input? @jsaret
@palp look around, I'm sure you can find one. If not, I'll XML up one for you later. Let me know!
@WNP78 I can't XML Edit
I'm an iOS user
@palp in XML modding, you can change the input of a rotator from, say, "Pitch" to "LandingGear" and it will rotate when you press the gear button. Clever, huh?
@WNP78 Yes but it wouldn't be retractable
Oh and making a rotor system would require scaling to look good
And I'm not capatable of that
Why not make your own gear with the LandingGear control axis, some pistons and rotators?
@Liquidfox @General360 Thanks
@General360 do you like this Idea?