I've compiled a list of stuff we should have added into this glorious game, feel free to add suggestions! Anyway, here's mine:
- Cockpit tag on SIMPLEPLANES website, making it easier to find creations with full cockpits.
- Real helicopter blades and rotors.
- Multiplayer.
- Tank treads as an addition to wheels.
- Bright headlights.
- Option to remove trim slider.
- Option to swap spots of activators from left to or from right.
- Chase dogfighting(Spawn right behind enemy aircraft).
- Investigate crashes on iOS when it comes to building.
-Gyro Controls on mobile.
Anything else?
We realy need individual controls like wen i drop a plane from another plane iwant to control only one not 2 pls this would we so great
an island west of wright
When you first open the game, click on settings and toggle gyro controls @icecoldcore
How do i turn off gyro controlle?
@SimpleTechAndResearch it's actually the sad part of this game. A game made with an engine that was meant specifically for 3d online multiplayer gaming. If it weren't for that, this game would have been perfect even before the addition of new parts.
There are gyro controls on mobile
Anything's possible. @SimpleTechAndResearch
@JayDay60 Still
I mean something like what most mobile games do now, you can play together if you are on the same Wifi network. @SimpleTechAndResearch
The Devs tried to do multiplayer
But they realised it was near impossible