for too long now have jelly fans repeatedly stolen, spammed and damaged this community. They should obey the same rules as everybody else does, in order to do this you should contact jelly and get him to make a video teaching his fans about the site rules and how to use the tag system.
@LightningTreeSavor it was me who reported you, YOU MUST NOT include jelly in aircraft names... This only highlights my point of making jelly produce a video explaining the rules!
I even was forced to take it down!
@LightningTreeSavor ok I don't know then
@MrSilverWolf well I made a plane for him.
@LightningTreeSavor saying "jelly" is not against the rule- gets banned no it's not against the rules, what you said about him or what ever you said about the issue probably was.
I just got in trouble with the moderators for having jelly! Can you help
@Tully2001 :D
@Blazeinfinity why isn't it allowed? not once did I insult him or his fans, I stated the facts and how he could fix the issue
Or when a a person goes on the game for their first time they have to watch a video of the rules