As always, when im bored i ask the community questions.
Todays boredom question is, on a scale of 1-10 how well do you fly?
(10 is greatest)
How well do you fly planes in your honest opinion?
2,493 Thehtmguy
8.7 years ago
I fly 9
About 8. I can do combat and aerobatic maneuvers by training with the Missile Launchers (SAMs) on Snowstone Island. But for racing, I guess 5.... I'm bad at races.
Oh and I cannot fly VTOLs and fast jets are about a 7 unless I e made them because the ones I make are designed to be easy to fly at low speed and not too manouverable or fast....
Depends if I'm flying one of my unflyable without difficulty Edwardian contraptions, if so then it's an 8 and I truly beleive I'm the only person who enjoys wrestling with the controls to stop a plane crashing.
Otherwhise it's a 10
Oh wait no! I build planes at 6-8 i fly them 8-10
a 9 in general, regardless of aircraft type(some can be an issue at times, but those are the exception rather than the rule.)
10 for my own, 8 others, 3 VTOL
I'd say about an 8/9 with most planes (I'm a versatile flyer) ps anyone doesn't believe me 1v1 me in dcs
10 (My own) 5 (Others) 1 (VTOL)
I'm god-awful, so 0
sry but i couldn't resist
Me is probably 7-9 (10 if im using pc)
Anywheres between 3 and 8, depending on my mood
8 or 9
I do actually fly planes in real life, but sometimes I want to see how hard I can yank the plane around until I crash :P
Pretty bad
My planes 10, some others 1 (noob planes) the rest are meh
Mouse as joystick... best thing ever
I'll fly a 10 with it on, and probably an 8 with regular keys
4, I have the skill of a 7-8 but the luck and depth perception of a -3
JK, like 8-9
I'd say 9.99999999 with my own and ranging from a 3 to a 6 for other's aircrafts.