So I built a working mech over the coarse of 3 days a total time spent like 12hours and only got 1 upvote for it this was something I was really excited to see people see it but nobody really upvoted it =( it's fully works kept it to a low speed because I wanted it to feel more heavy just really disipointed in the turn out
Pretty much
Welcome to the small-time friend. A lot of great works get overlooked. Why? I'm not really sure.
@EvansCorps eh.
Lol @Mox pretty much. Just sharing my thought and feeling like what forums are for. For news and people thoughts and feeling
I'm really excited for what people can with new parts and ideas =)
@ccooper thanks for being the first to upvote my viechle
Alright I will reupload it in 1 hour probs
@Imperium2 really. i coulda sworn you were a joke. oh well, guess il just have to ignore you.
Sorry @Thehtmguy he is running around like crazy@Imperium2 stop now
I'm new @Thehtmguy
probably uploaded it during the dead hours, where a minimal amount of people are browsing the new section