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New Weapon Ideas

148 MadGopher14  8.7 years ago

I know many of these have been suggested before, but here goes.

Torpedos: People already make these but why not make them offical.

Chaff/Jammers: I think the game needs a better way to counter missiles besides fancy flying.

Smart bomb: A guided bomb, or an added sight that tells you where your bombs will land

Swivle/turreted guns: There needs to be a better way to shoot in all directions easier than using vtols and rotators. perhaps even add a auto turret function that allows you to put turrets on your plane that will seek and destroy nearby targets.

Nuke: for those who think jamming 5 boom 50's into a fusalge is too hard, and would just like a premade nuke.

Cannons: just a bigger but slower machinegun that deals more damage

link guns to propelers: What I mean by this is somhow linking your guns to the propeler so when they shoot they don't knock off the prop. I really want this beacuse I could make historical planes more acurate.

Damage: If there is one thing that irritates me is getting shot in the wing then having my entire craft blow up. there needs to be a way that planes can take more than one hit before blowing up.

If you have anymore weapon ideas leave a comment.

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    All of these have been done apart from autoturrets (which I was thinking of too), propeller timed mg and the nuke

    4.8 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Someone deleted the comment they made @AviatorCleebo

    8.7 years ago
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    @PINK ?

    8.7 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    How was that hate? I was calling myself dumb, and saying that I cannot hit anything with bombs. @AviatorCleebo

    8.7 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    @KingDeadshot Yeah, my dumb a-- needs them!

    8.7 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    @KingDeadshot Many modern bombers don't use smart bombs, they use extremely advanced computers to tell almost exactly where to fly to convince dumb bombs to hit the target.

    8.7 years ago
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    2,493 Thehtmguy

    @General360 you forgot to thank us for considering the following

    8.7 years ago
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    8,354 arcues

    Carpet bombs

    8.7 years ago
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    Thanks for the feedback all this stuff sounds great. Hopefully SP will pick up on some of this.

    8.7 years ago
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    2,985 Clawsome

    Those are all great ideas! It'd also be nice if some of the guns (say maybe if they did a cannon sort of thing) could do damage to bridges and boats.

    8.7 years ago