Welcome to the wonderful community of Simpleplanes. Here we have rules to follow so check them out here so you don't get banned. (That'd be bad). I hope that you can get along with everyone and whatnot. So sit back, relax, make a plane or a car, and enjoy your time here!
If you want to get points than maybe try making things people can build off of. If anyone does than you will get 7 points extra
Hello! 😁
Hey. 😊
Hello, new =3 I'm Civvy.
Welcome to the wonderful community of Simpleplanes. Here we have rules to follow so check them out here so you don't get banned. (That'd be bad). I hope that you can get along with everyone and whatnot. So sit back, relax, make a plane or a car, and enjoy your time here!
Welcome to simpleplanes!