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FIX for the constant roll bug on symmetrical designs

14.9k NumNumz  8.8 years ago

Is there a fix, are the devs ever going to fix it? Its messing up so many of my planes. It seems not a problem on planes with flat wings, but as soon as you angle it with dihedral, or rotate it at a non 90 degree interval angle, it makes the plane roll constantly. For example, the F-16 sneek peek i recently uploaded link , has this bug if you change the diheral on the back fins, or if I just rotate them, and the plane constanly rolls to the left. Its so annoying, because the plane is perfectly symmetrical. (and its not a drag issue, I've already checked)

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    1,762 ThatOnion

    7 months after this is brought up and this crap still happens

    +1 8.2 years ago
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    @NumNumz Yeah, it does need to be looked at.

    +1 8.8 years ago
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    14.9k NumNumz

    @Brields95 although actually this bug does affect some of my planes which should be perfectly stable in real life and have fins angled upwards, so this is definitely a bug.

    +1 8.8 years ago
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    14.9k NumNumz

    @JShay yeah, stuff like that makes me want to play a different game . Its just so annoying when you work so long to create somethi g beautiful, and then it doesnt work due to a silly bug, even though it should work in real life

    8.8 years ago
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    28.4k JShay

    Definitely an issue I have with a number of my planes. I just worked on a super simple 10 part plane for the Yeti race, all flat wings, and it rolls like a fat mother... :/

    8.8 years ago
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    14.9k NumNumz

    @Brields95 But yeah I see what you mean about fins angled downwards.

    8.8 years ago
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    14.9k NumNumz

    @Brields95 Kerbal was super super low budget when it first came out, and it still had an SAS system

    8.8 years ago
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    29.2k Viper28


    8.8 years ago
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    @NumNumz Make a semi basic paper plane. With the wings angled up, as usual. Notice how when it flies, it stays mostly straight? Now bend the wings down. It should roll over. This is what your F-16 is trying to do.

    8.8 years ago
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    @NumNumz The F-16 has a tendancy, due to the tail dehidral, to roll from side to side, or dutch roll. Yes.

    8.8 years ago
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    @NumNumz Because they are tough to emulate, and SimplePlanes is lower budget.

    8.8 years ago
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    14.9k NumNumz

    @Brields95 Gyros would be a really good thing, why they havent released an SAS system yet is beyond me, Kerbal had one from the start.

    8.8 years ago
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    14.9k NumNumz

    @Brields95 But the question is whether or not the F-16 actually has a constant left roll in real life due to aerodynamic instability. I know its an unstable design, but that doesn't nescessarily translate into a constant left roll, Usually it just means the plane is extremely jerky or floaty in its movements, and requires a computer to properly control so that it doesnt spin out of control.

    8.8 years ago
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    The F-16, whithout Flyby wire, will do that. Since gyros haven't been added to the game, (or requested for that matter) we have no way of effectively stabilizing naturally unstable planes, such as the F-16.

    @AndrewGarrison rather than fix this "bug," keep it.

    8.8 years ago
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    42.8k Kimo

    Good point! Needs to be worked on!

    8.8 years ago
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    29.2k Viper28

    Yess i have this problem too

    8.8 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    Yeah, it's always been very slight but I notice it with nearly all my planes

    8.8 years ago
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    14.9k NumNumz

    @WeeBabySeamus @AndrewGarrison Are their plans to fix this bug, as its been pretty prevalent for a quite a while now.

    8.8 years ago
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    35.3k BoxGlow

    @NumNumz Idk what the problem. I've had encounters with this in the past and its a design specific problem. Somehow I fixed them but i cant tell you exactly how i did it exactly.

    8.8 years ago
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    14.9k NumNumz

    @BoxGlow Still the same problem with normal sized fins, already checked...

    8.8 years ago
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    35.3k BoxGlow

    try using normal sized fins and see if that works

    8.8 years ago
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    You should see the ultra glitchy centre of mass of my Nissan GT-R LM NISMO. Even though the whole bottom of the car is made of wing, it shows that the lift is just under the rear wing! (Weird 😱)

    8.8 years ago