Now it's official, SP is one of three games i played over 800 hours.
It's an amazing game and i'm happy that i found it.
Some people may think that's a bit too exaggerated but i love it to share my creativity.
I want to thank the devs for their amazing game and all the fantastic hours i had with it so far.
Additionally i want to thank this awesome community.
It's one of the friendliest i know.
If you are curious, the other games are:
- Freelancer MP (Pirat =D)
- World of Warcraft ( a long time ago )
Thank you! @Seeras
why djbanana is banned?
It's not longer possible.
Only links.
That's to prevent this meme spam.
I keep an eye on him.
I can't remember how to post a picture @Seeras
! @Seeras @Seeras
Sure thing @Seeras
Can you upload the screenshot and send me a link ?
He deleted the comments but I have a screenshot @Seeras
DenialofService says he "hacked my account" and I was wondering if you could talk to him about that? I checked my posts and comments, nothing out of the ordinary. I'm changing my password too. @Seeras
what's your problem ?
Seeras are you online? I have a problem, and you were online two hours ago, just checking to see if you could help
oh ok O.O Danke Seeras für das Lob, versuch mich auch stätig zu verbessern obwohl ich jetzt wieder was leichteres bau für die Handygamer, einfache Drohne mit Luft-Luft und Luft-Boden ^^…… eine Abwandlung der RQ-4 mit veränderten Heck, kleiner und angewinkelten Flügeln.. Leitwerk ist auch anders bzw das Höhenruder
Kommt alles noch wenn du dran bleibst. ^^
du bist beispielsweise schon viel besser als ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt war.
hab erst 170 stunden ~…~
So glad I don't have an "hours" count for WoW. it would be so sad. Thankfully the hours are all spread across many characters. I know there were mods to show it. but I don't play anymore, and I don't ever want to see the sizable chunk of my life that I missed by distracting myself with azeroth.
@Djbanana wow... I think that's OVER 9000
Ich habjetzt 565 Stunden, das macht es zu meinem zweit meißt gespielten Spiel aller Zeiten (Nach Minecraft)
I have 184 on steam, but a good hundred on Android before that.
How long will it be until it's over 900!
This is why I'm glad iOS doesn't keep track of that
My friend once crushed me in an MMO. All I could say was... WoW.
Hahaha zocker nein spass ich find dieses spiel auch super macht mega laune und die communitty ist super nett =D
I have 700
I think a billion im addict to the game