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All bugs with Mobile SP

13.4k ian1547  8.3 years ago

Seriously these are annoying bugs and they need to be removed because the game is almost unplayable. The bugs I have found are:
1. When using two fingers to zoom and move at the same time, the rotation and mirrioing icon opens and closes once the hands are off the screen.
2. Col and Cot does not work. It does not show when I build an airplane. It stays in the ground.
3. Game crashes many times when clicking Restart, Restart here, and Exit. That is super annoying because I have to restart the app.
4. Physics have changed since one of my planes that worked pretty the update Noe slowly rolls to the side even though it is balanced. Please fix the problems so SP can be playable for mobile players.

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    13.4k ian1547

    @Somberbask imma try

    8.3 years ago
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    1,896 EvansCorps

    @ian1547 aight just was thinking on possibility's on why it's happening to you guys but not me

    8.3 years ago
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    When I try to change the length of my wings it crashes

    8.3 years ago
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    4,222 Somberbask

    2 can be fixed by mirroring your craft from the left side

    8.3 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547

    @kikasshes ikr @KingDeadshot lucky @EvansCorps one of my planes doesn't work @EvansCorps my phone is great actually so I don't thibkbits my phone @Supercraft888 I don't use the cursor @Blazeinfinity dang that sucks

    8.3 years ago
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    24.6k kikasshes
    1. I get zebra shadows.
    8.3 years ago
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    1,896 EvansCorps

    4 is the only one that seems to be a problem for me mostly such a pain but the physics work better now my opinion

    8.3 years ago
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    1,896 EvansCorps

    I'm on a mobile tablet and I haven't got any bugs what so ever ? Which is weird except one when I try mirroring or adding more parts it crashes but I'm thinking it's because of a lot of parts at one time maybe so maybe it's just RAM or processing causing bugs like that but idk for certain

    8.3 years ago
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    When you select engines for wheels, it turns off your cursor

    8.3 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547

    @KingDeadshot not rare to me it happens frequently

    8.3 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547

    @KingDeadshot I hate it so much. 1 is okay and I can ignore that. 2. Is annoying. 3 is a killer and I hate that. 4 is annoying as well.

    8.3 years ago
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    3,485 SelectAKey

    Im on mobile and only experienced the col cot com strangeness. But thats when i reload a previous version of the craft and its all better. Sorry to hear about all the other bugs your experiencing

    8.3 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547


    8.3 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547

    @JacobHardy64 never tried that with the new update

    8.3 years ago
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    25.2k JacobHardy64

    If you have an aileron and an elevator overlap, only the elevator works @ian1547

    8.3 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547

    That was funny when I did it @Blazeinfinity @JacobHardy64 what do you mean?

    8.3 years ago
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    25.2k JacobHardy64

    Control surface mixing does not work

    8.3 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547

    @Blazeinfinity imma try that

    8.3 years ago