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Build Challege-Transformers!!!

42.4k Supercraft888  8.9 years ago

So I decided to do my own competition based on one of my favourite things...The Transformers!!!

So here all the rules
-You must build something either do 1 of 2 things

1-build something that transforms into something, doesn't have to be transformers related, just something that's is sorta recognizable as a robot
(Ex. Any plane, or vehicle or anything that can turn into a robot)

2-build something from the transformers universe but doesn't have to be able to transform into a robot or anything, but it has to be transformers related (ex.Optimus Prime's gun, alt- ode of Megatron)

Bonus points if you could do both 1 and 2

-MUST be a successor, that way it's easier for me to keep track of everything

Will be graded on
-number of transformation (ie. Triple changers)
-closeness to original
-fun factor